North Beachside
Kinder/Prep Network

When children feel safe and happy they can learn and be a positive member of their community. Sometimes, there will be challenges that they will have to negotiate and they will need to understand what they need to do. For young children:
They can remain accessible to others at times of distress, confusion and frustration
They increasingly cooperate and work collaboratively with others
They show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others
They make choices, accept challenges, take considered risks, manage change and cope with frustrations and the unexpected
They are happy, healthy, safe and are connected to others
What might this look like?
Your child can manage their emotions and deal with frustration when attempting new activities or playing with others. They can manage basic life skills such as washing and dressing themselves, going to the toilet independently, organising their belongings, sharing and taking turns.