North Beachside
Kinder/Prep Network
About Us

Childhood is a wonderful time, full of wonder and curiosity as children encounter new and exciting things in the world around them. It is the role of all the adults around them to ensure that we nurture this sense of awe of the world and that a child’s curiosity is stimulated. It is also our role to ensure they feel connected to a community, that they know how to engage with others and to know who they are as a person and that they have value to add to the community they are part of.
‘One of the most important roles of school (and kinders) is to help children find their spark’ Michael Carr-Gregg
This is why our Northern Beachside Kinder/Prep Network was formed. Teachers in kinders and schools all know that nurturing and educating our youngest and most important members of our community has a long term impact on the goal of creating active, capable citizens of the future. Our network has seen the power of working together for a number of years. We value the opportunity to share our knowledge and passion and to support each other to create a continuity of learning for the children in our care.
We hope this website will be a way for parents to find out more about how to support their child through the important transition from kinder to school and to celebrate how we work together during this significant time.
Northern Beachside Kinder/Prep Network Team
Recent Events:
School Readiness and Transition Session
Wed 14th July via Zoom
After ‘the year that was - 2020’, our network wanted to support families during one of the many significant milestones in their lives, their children’s transition from kinder to school.
Many parents become anxious about whether their child is ready for school and are unsure about who to ask for advice about this big decision. So, as a group, we thought we would take the initiative in 2021 and provide the opportunity for parents to come together with teachers from kinders and schools, to talk about how to prepare our little humans for the next stage in their lives.
If you missed this session please click on the link below to watch the recording of this year's session.