North Beachside
Kinder/Prep Network

Children’s sense of belonging, and belonging to or being part of a family or a social group involves the rights and responsibilities to contribute too. For young children:
They cooperate with others and negotiate roles and relationships in play and group experiences
They begin to show concern for others and build capacity to act with kindness and compassion
They begin to think critically about fair and unfair behaviour
They express an opinion and contribute to decision making about matters that affect them
They become aware of connections, similarities and differences between people
What might this look like?
When children are physically and socially ready to connect to the world around them they show curiosity for what they see, hear and feel and they participate in this world. They learn how to make decisions for themselves and others that will have a positive impact. They learn how to negotiate and take responsibility for their actions. When they are playing they understand the importance of taking turns and sharing, of showing empathy for others and not showing any gender or racial bias.