North Beachside
Kinder/Prep Network

Children are active learners exploring the world through touch, sight, sound, taste, smell and movement. Their brain develops rapidly through physical explorations and their active engagement with others who speak and respond to their interests. Periods of uninterrupted play give children time to invent, investigate and discover. For young children:
They are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning
They participate in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry based experiences
They persist even when they find a task difficult
They use reflective thinking to consider why things happen and what can be learnt from these experiences
They transfer knowledge from one setting to another
They experiment with different technologies
They explore ideas and theories using imagination, creativity and play
What might this look like?
Your child will be able to play independently for longer periods of time. They will talk to you about what they are doing and create imaginary worlds and objects. When they play outside they will take time to look closely at the world around them, notice the small things in their world such as insects and plants. Sometimes when they are playing and they struggle to put pieces together or manipulate an object, they keep trying and manage their frustration before asking for help. When they talk to you they will ask questions that you may not have the answer for and so, together, you can explore the world and find the answer, or maybe find out something you weren't expecting. Your child will have an insatiable curiosity and an imagination that allows them to consider all possibilities.